God created the world in six days, filling it with light, land, creatures, and, humanity—then on the seventh day, something particularly notable happened, He rested. The day of rest established…
The Ten Commandments are at the very center of the law given to Israel, and they remain prominent in America today adorning both the Supreme Court and Capitol buildings in Washington…
The Israelites were not only given the law for themselves, God commanded them to teach the law to their children in order to pass it down generation to generation. God…
The Israelites were chosen by God to be shown His mighty works, given His law, and appointed as a priestly nation to make God known among all the nations. This…
Idol worship is a great offense against God and was one of the most prevalent sins the Israelites committed. Today, we rarely see people bowing down to statues of God's.…
How should we think about the law God gave in the Old Testament? Why do we hold fast to some laws yet don't follow others? Join us as we study…
Happy New Year! We are starting a new sermon series this morning from Deuteronomy 3-6 titled Law and Grace. In the New Testament we learn we are free from the…
Jesus, our Savior, was born in Bethlehem, heralded by angels, visited by shepherds, and even now His birth is celebrated each year. However, not all celebrated the birth of Christ. When…
After Joseph learned of Mary's pregnancy, his spirit was in turmoil and he decided to divorce her quietly so as not to put her to shame. Then an angel appeared…
Six months after the angel Gabriel brought a message to Zechariah, He appears again to the young woman Mary with shocking news. "You will conceive in your womb and bear…
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