There is nothing in the world like the word of God! The Bible is full of wisdom and truth. It is living, active, and will never pass away. It is…
Sometimes there are people in our lives who, despite our best efforts, we can't get along with and we can't move on from. The relationship seems impossible. How do we…
Ideas about marriage and sexual relationships are changing rapidly in our society and even within churches. Join us as study the biblical teaching of God's design for marriage and sex…
Our friends shape who we are and our friendship will shape our friends. The impact of a faithful and godly friendship is hard to overstate. Join us as we read…
There are two sides of forgiveness, offering forgiveness and receiving forgiveness. Reconciliation can only take place when both come together. Join us as we learn from King David how God…
Expectations of parents can sometimes be overwhelming. We have to prepare our kids for college, find the perfect creative forms of discipline, the right balance of screen time, monitor media,…
Forgiveness is essential to healthy relationships. God models for us what forgiveness should look like when He forgives King David what many would consider an unforgivable sin. Join us as…
In Luke 24, the risen Jesus appoints the disciples to proclaim the Gospel as witnesses to the resurrection. As disciples of Christ today, we are heirs to this commission. Join…
When the women arrived at Jesus tomb to find it empty, angels appeared to them and asked them, "why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not…
There is nothing more difficult or important than surrendering to God's will. When Jesus lived on earth in the flesh He slept through a storm until He calmed it with…
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