Have you ever been inspired by someone else's faith? Have you ever wanted to inspire others with your faith, but felt like you couldn't? Sometimes we look at people of…
The Old Testament is filled with sign posts pointing to Jesus. When God opens our eyes to see them it gives us a stronger faith and a deeper understanding of…
There are few doctrines which shape our lives more than the sovereignty of God. It is well said that "when you go through a trial the sovereignty of God is…
Holidays are powerful. We don't often think about it as they come and go with each passing year, but God established them with a purpose. Join us as we study…
We become what we celebrate. Not in a determinative way, but in a formative way. What we celebrate shapes who we become. Join us as we study the celebration of…
500 years ago Martin Luther crafted his most famous hymn based on Psalm 46, A Mighty Fortress is Our God. What does it mean for God to be our fortress?…
Justice is something we naturally rejoice in because we are made in the image of a just God. But we are struck with terror when we come to the realization…
God had a purpose for Esther, to rescue His people from a deadly threat. In the same way, God has appointed us to our time and circumstances to accomplish specific…
After 5 years being Queen Esther had gotten comfortable. All her needs were abundantly supplied. But God did not place her as queen to live a life of luxury and…
Esther is now queen and Mordecai is a respected worker at the King's gate, but their peace was not to last. Haman the Agagite is brought to power and when…
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