There are two sides of forgiveness, offering forgiveness and receiving forgiveness. Reconciliation can only take place when both come together. Join us as we learn from King David how God…
Forgiveness is essential to healthy relationships. God models for us what forgiveness should look like when He forgives King David what many would consider an unforgivable sin. Join us as…
Perhaps no other parable has so captivated people throughout the world and across time the the parable of the prodigal son. Perhaps no other parable captures so well the deepest…
Christian love is different from the love the world shows. Christian love sacrifices our desires for the good of others and the glory of God. It is not shown only…
John came to prepare the way for Jesus and he came with a clear message, repent. Repentance is the way we prepare our hearts to receive Jesus. Repentance is how…
Church discipline is a concept many people in the church recoil from. It brings up thoughts of witch trials, scarlet letters, and hurtful churches. It is also something Paul teaches…
It is hard to face our sins, to let them pierce our heart and repent. Jesus was pierced to open a path for us to forgiveness, so we can face…
We all sin, it is part of being human, but that doesn't make it okay. Sin brings a curse and that curse is death. We can't hide our sin, we…
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