Sexual immorality and covetousness are two sins prevalent in our culture and the church today. God's desire for us in these areas is more than just to keep us from…
The four of the ten commandments teach us how we love God, the last six how we love our neighbor. But how should we understand and apply the final six commandments…
God created the world in six days, filling it with light, land, creatures, and, humanity—then on the seventh day, something particularly notable happened, He rested. The day of rest established…
The Ten Commandments are at the very center of the law given to Israel, and they remain prominent in America today adorning both the Supreme Court and Capitol buildings in Washington…
How should we think about the law God gave in the Old Testament? Why do we hold fast to some laws yet don't follow others? Join us as we study…
Happy New Year! We are starting a new sermon series this morning from Deuteronomy 3-6 titled Law and Grace. In the New Testament we learn we are free from the…
God knows us personally, is with us, and has created us wonderfully. These truths fill us with joy, but they can also fill us with fear when we realize God…
Community, in its broadest sense, is those we live life with. The people in our families, neighborhood, church, town, and more. Our communities are struggling in our present culture fueled…
Forgiveness is not just a good act in Christianity, it is an essential part of our faith. Jesus has forgiven us a debt beyond what we could ever pay. He…
On the night He was betrayed, Jesus reclined around a table with His disciples to celebrate the Passover seder. After Judas departs, Jesus turned to the eleven remaining and gives…
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