God created the world in six days, filling it with light, land, creatures, and, humanity—then on the seventh day, something particularly notable happened, He rested. The day of rest established…
Jesus, our Savior, was born in Bethlehem, heralded by angels, visited by shepherds, and even now His birth is celebrated each year. However, not all celebrated the birth of Christ. When…
After Joseph learned of Mary's pregnancy, his spirit was in turmoil and he decided to divorce her quietly so as not to put her to shame. Then an angel appeared…
Six months after the angel Gabriel brought a message to Zechariah, He appears again to the young woman Mary with shocking news. "You will conceive in your womb and bear…
Over the past 11 weeks, we have looked at the story of the Church throughout the book of Acts. Now we come to the final two chapters of the book…
As we continue in our study of the book of Acts Paul has set off on his second missionary journey with Silas at his side. Over the course of three…
The Gospel of Jesus Christ began among God's people, the Israelites. However, God did not intend it to remain only among His people. In Acts 8-11, we see God expand…
It is hard to imagine a world without church. You can hardly drive through a town without seeing local church buildings. However, this was not always the case. The church…
Jesus was rejected and crucified by the Jewish leaders. He then rose from the dead making a path to God through faith in Him. Psalm 118 foreshadowed this a thousand…
There are many different things we can run after to provide for us the meaning, security, and satisfaction we desire in life, but only God is sufficient. Psalm 16:2 ...…
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