How should we think about the law God gave in the Old Testament? Why do we hold fast to some laws yet don't follow others? Join us as we study…
Happy New Year! We are starting a new sermon series this morning from Deuteronomy 3-6 titled Law and Grace. In the New Testament we learn we are free from the…
The church started off with a bang. Thousands came to Christ, lives were transformed, people were devoted to the apostles teaching and committed to generosity and fellowship. The Holy Spirit…
Jesus was rejected and crucified by the Jewish leaders. He then rose from the dead making a path to God through faith in Him. Psalm 118 foreshadowed this a thousand…
King David is known as a man after God's own heart, but he was also a deeply flawed sinner. After committing adultery with Bathsheba and having Uriah her husband killed,…
We all want a place to belong, a group of people where we fit in. When it comes to our society, God has not called us to fit in, but…
Since Jesus died to pay the full punishment for our sins, does it matter if we sin after we are forgiven? Doesn't God redeem all of our sins so we…
The Bible has some unsettling truths which we don't often like to think about. One of these truths is our sin can have a significant negative impact on our usefulness…
"My God my God, why have you forsaken me". No greater cry of anguish has ever been uttered. But these words of Jesus on the cross are more than a…
We all sin, it is part of being human, but that doesn't make it okay. Sin brings a curse and that curse is death. We can't hide our sin, we…
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