
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave the disciples a sweeping command, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of…
Sin is so terrible because it promises us the world, delivers to us the desires of our heart, and far from dragging us to hell, our sin leads us to…

The church in America is in retreat, tired, worn out, and weak. Prayer and repentance is the starting point of renewal. Are we, as the church, devoted to prayer?
There is nothing in the world like the word of God! The Bible is full of wisdom and truth. It is living, active, and will never pass away. It is…
Sometimes there are people in our lives who, despite our best efforts, we can't get along with and we can't move on from. The relationship seems impossible. How do we…
Ideas about marriage and sexual relationships are changing rapidly in our society and even within churches. Join us as study the biblical teaching of God's design for marriage and sex…
Our friends shape who we are and our friendship will shape our friends. The impact of a faithful and godly friendship is hard to overstate. Join us as we read…
There are two sides of forgiveness, offering forgiveness and receiving forgiveness. Reconciliation can only take place when both come together. Join us as we learn from King David how God…
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