
The One Thing

May 8, 2022
Expectations of parents can sometimes be overwhelming. We have to prepare our kids for college, find the perfect creative forms of discipline, the right balance of screen time, monitor media,…
Forgiveness is essential to healthy relationships. God models for us what forgiveness should look like when He forgives King David what many would consider an unforgivable sin. Join us as…

We Are Witnesses

April 24, 2022
In Luke 24, the risen Jesus appoints the disciples to proclaim the Gospel as witnesses to the resurrection. As disciples of Christ today, we are heirs to this commission. Join…
When the women arrived at Jesus tomb to find it empty, angels appeared to them and asked them, "why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not…
There is nothing more difficult or important than surrendering to God's will. When Jesus lived on earth in the flesh He  slept through a storm until He calmed it with…
Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the Prince of Peace, the Great Physician, and the Creator of all things. His name is above every…
What are the signs of the end times? This question is the source of countless hours of discussion and speculation, but there is a more important question to ask, how…
When Jesus looks upon Jerusalem He is moved with sorrow and weeps over their blindness. He weeps because they did not know, "the things that made for peace". Do we…
Have you ever allowed something of little importance to get in the way of something of greater importance? For most of us, this happens all too often; money weakens marriage,…
Perhaps no other parable has so captivated people throughout the world and across time the the parable of the prodigal son. Perhaps no other parable captures so well the deepest…
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