
The culture of celebrity is all around us. It occurs when people are made into idols by finding in them purpose, truth, and direction for life. The church is called to…

Fear is a liar?

April 11, 2021
Fear is a regular part of life, whether it is the sudden fear of a near miss in the car, an abiding fear brought on by illness, or a general…
Three words, “He is risen!” Three words have changed the course of history, three words offer us the greatest hope, three words are all it takes to change the way…
"My God my God, why have you forsaken me". No greater cry of anguish has ever been uttered. But these words of Jesus on the cross are more than a…
In the good times of life, it seems like it should be natural for us to praise God. History and experience shows this is often not the case. Today we…
Ministry, strategy, structure, programs, and plans are all an important part of God's work, but the change we seek needs more than all these things combined, the change we seek…
Christians believe in a triune God, one God in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit without division of nature, essence, or being. There is no jealousy between the…
The church of Corinth struggled to be different from the world around them. They were riddled with division, beset with sexual immorality, some were bringing frivolous lawsuits against each other,…
Where are you building your life? Do you know? Many of us we go through life one day at a time not realizing we are setting ourselves up to fall.…
Join us this morning for a special service as we read through the Sermon on the Mount interspersed with testimonies on the work of God.
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