
Following Jesus is often messy. Success is followed by failure and at times they are woven inseparably together in our lives. We see this as David struggles to follow God…
Goliath was defeated by David not because David was a great warrior, but because David trusted a great God. Join us as we continue to study 1 Samuel 17 and…
For 40 days Goliath challenged the Israelite army to send a man to fight him, but King Saul and all the Israelites shrank back in fear. Until the young shepherd…
God's way looks different from the world and is a hard path to follow. Those who put their trust in God and follow His way receive eternal blessings beyond this…

Are you ready to move?

October 29, 2023
Joshua 1:7 ... "Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to…
There are many pressures from people to conform to a certain belief or action. We receive praise and acceptance if we do, but if we don't we often face condemnation…
If we are going to be prepared to fight for our faith, it begins with committing to steadfast faithfulness. When we stray from God, as David did, we repent and…
Last year our church partnered with the Bruce Outreach Center in western Maryland to help them set up a thrift store in their facility. Today we welcome their pastor Dave…
Evangelism is often a contentious subject among Christians. It is one of the easiest things to criticize and one of the hardest things to do. Join us as we talk…
When we become a Christian God gives us a spiritual gift through the Holy Spirit. Join us as we study 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 and learn more about what our spiritual…
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