
When we become a Christian God gives us a spiritual gift through the Holy Spirit. Join us as we study 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 and learn more about what our spiritual…
On the night He was betrayed, Jesus reclined around a table with His disciples to celebrate the Passover seder. After Judas departs, Jesus turned to the eleven remaining and gives…
We often feel a sense of ownership over the resources we have. Our time, talents, and treasure are ours to do with what we want. God gives us a different…
Each day, we are often faced with more opportunities, activities, and responsibilities than we can accomplish. How can we know how to best use our time? Join us as we…
Prayer sometimes becomes a list of our wants which we recite to God, but this was never supposed to be at the center of our prayers. Join us as we…
Do you ever feel burdened beyond what you can handle? Paul felt this way and wrote to the church in Corinth, "we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that…
"Have a blessed day!" What does that really mean? Does it mean to be happy, to be well, to be prosperous, or does it have a deeper meaning. Join us…
At its heart, prayer is talking with God to strengthen our relationship with Him. This doesn't mean it is easy. Communicating well to build up a relationship is a challenging…
Tim Keller in his book, The Meaning of Marriage captures our deepest need saying, “To be loved but not known is comforting, but superficial. To be known and not loved is our…
If only we could see the fullness of the suffering of Christ, and the power of the resurrection, we would not fear the greatness of our suffering. If only we…
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